Spennetta Family Care Chiropractic

Cold Laser Therapy

Cold Laser TherapyThis technology, Cold Laser Therapy, is a treatment that involves using specific light wavelengths to repair tissue and speed up the healing process in general. Patients who suffer from acute and chronic conditions have benefits ranging from eliminating pain, swelling, decreasing spasms and increasing functionality. Cold Laser Therapy is the future combining the latest medical science and the most advanced technology.

Cold Lasers (also called a Low Level Laser) have been shown to stimulate the body to grow new cells and tissue.

The laser is a handheld device used by the Chiropractor. It is placed directly over the injured area that needs treating from 30 seconds to several minutes, depending on the size of the area, will depend on the size of the dose of Laser Therapy. It is totally painless and will help you recover faster.

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